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Dinghy Club Racing

Club Racing

Club racing events and series take place on Sunday mornings (all the year round) and on Wednesday Evenings (between April and the end of August). Club members are also welcome to join the RLymYC Monday evening dinghy racing. 

You can see the Club Racing Programme for 2024 here

Taking Part

For an LTSC club member to take part in any LTSC organised club race all you need to do is complete a In Case of Emergency Form (and if under 18 a Parental/Guardian Disclaimer Form) and pass it to the Club Office. That's it!

However, for the first few times that you join in the racing it maybe useful to buddy up with an existing racer. If this appeals, contact the Club Office on and you will be put in touch with a fellow racer to help with the familiarisation.


When you plan to race, put your details on the "signing on" sheet that will be posted on the notice board at the entrance to the changing rooms. Please remember to sign off when you get back.

If you wish to do any racing with the Royal Lymington Yacht Club, you will need to follow their entry procedures.

All dinghy racing events are listed on the Calendar. Follow the links below to see the appropriate documentation including the Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions and results that are published afterwards.

Fleets, Classes and Handicaps

Within the club we race a wide variety of dinghies - with the choice reflecting the varied diversity of classic and modern dinghies available on the UK dinghy scene. We split the various boats into four handicap fleets using the Portsmouth Yardstick Handicap system, with Class racing within these fleets and results extracted for the larger classes.

The most popular boats raced at the club are: Merlin Rocket, RS Aero, National Solo and Lymington River Scow.


All the results are recorded and published in Sailwave

See the results page here.

Any queries should be sent to the Club Office at

Sailing Instructions etc.

Notice of Race and Dinghy Standard Sailing Instructions with any amendments made are available on the Notices and Information page.

charts of the race marks for both the local area and the Western Solent.

Emergency Contact & Parental Disclaimer forms are available.

Support Boats

RIBs and other support boats may be used to assist competitors.  If so the support boat skipper must adhere to the LTSC Support Boat Regulations.

If a visiting support boat is launched at the ramp then it is the users responsibility to ensure that they abide by the Harbour Master's regulations and pay the appropriate slipway charges. You can see more information from the Harbour Master.

Last updated 11:54 on 4 March 2024

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